Anxiety – Part 3 – Take Inventory of Your Theology

This is Part 3 of a series on Anxiety. Read Part 1 and Part 2.

The most highlighted passage in the bible according to Amazon is Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, with prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God.”

We are an anxious people. Our current American culture suffers from anxiety and stress-related disorders, perhaps, more than any other culture in the history of the world.

And despite being in the richest and most entertained nation in the history of the world, and despite the constant sales pitch that we can and should be happy, we can and should be at peace—we obviously aren’t.


Before we get to the most highlighted verse in the bible in parts four and five—the one that says “don’t be anxious…”—we have to do some reconnaissance work.

Look at Philippians 4:4-5, the verses right before—they’re important too:

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.
The Lord is at hand;”

These are three statements that maybe seem disconnected (and certainly they can stand on their own), but the Apostle Paul is never random.


The most highlighted passage in the bible according to Amazon is Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious…”


Anxiety doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There is a ground that anxiety grows in. There’s some things that affect us that can breed anxiety. Or another way to put it is that there is a way to cultivate your life that tends toward more peace.

We need to take inventory of our heart, of our relationships, and of our theology. The bible wants you to consider yourself, others, and God, because all three factor in to whether we are anxious or at peace.

In Part 1, we looked at your heart. In Part 2, we looked at your relationships. Here in Part 3, let’s talk theology.



“The Lord is at hand.” (Phil. 4:5b)

God is near! Do you believe that? I mean really believe that.  

If Jesus was sitting next to you on the couch while you worked on your finances and paid your bills, would you still be anxious? How could you be anxious when the One who owns all things is near to you? 

If Jesus was sitting in your office with you, would you ever be anxious about how much work you have to do? How could you be anxious when the One who is in control of everything is near to you? 

You see the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus means that God is near. The Good News of the Gospel—that you are no longer in your sin, no longer separated from God because He came to save you—means your his now. 


How could you be anxious when the One who is in control of everything is near to you?


He will never leave you. He is for you. The Lord is at hand. Why are you anxious? 

Take inventory of your theology. Does what you believe about God play into your anxiety?  


This post is an excerpt of Jim’s sermon, Anxiety. Watch it here.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.

Jim’s latest book, Jesus For You, launches this Fall. Get a free chapter and more here.
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