“If you want to re-encounter Christ’s Passion Week with fresh passion for him, you must read Jim Essian’s careful, incisive, gospel-rich examination of Christ’s passion for you.”
— Jared C. Wilson, Author
Jesus For You
He Became Like You So You Could Become Like Him
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Jesus Knows What It Means To Be You
When you’re tired you can go to Jesus because he knows exhaustion. When your soul is troubled you can go to Jesus because he knows what it’s like to have a troubled soul. When you’ve been betrayed you can go to Jesus because he knows the heart punch of betrayal. You can trust him; he knows.
He became like you.
Jesus is fully God and fully human. He didn’t just come to save you for heaven’s riches, but to sympathize and help you with earth’s sorrows. He became like you so you could become like him.
The answer to our sin and brokenness is meeting God where he met us.
Every religion and belief system and philosophy and way of life is the same. Each one has humanity at the center of the universe, laboring to be religious enough, moral enough, good enough, smart enough, or successful enough to get to God (or enlightenment, or happiness, or the American Dream).
The famous are our prophets.
The gospel message is self-actualization, self-achieve- ment, self-dependence.
The mystery is finding yourself.
The sin is not.
This religion of self might be cloaked in Baptist language or Hindu karma or an American spirituality that eats, prays, and loves itself to our best life now, but it’s all the same. And it’s exhausting.
Only biblical Christianity has God at the center of the universe, pursuing us in his grace and love. We can’t get to God, so God comes to us.
I want us to take a peek at Jesus’s last couple of days, those leading up to his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, and ask some important questions:
What is God like?
And how was he like that in our place?
And how can we now be like him because he was like us?
This is the gospel. Jesus for you.
Like Father, Like Sons
Meditations on God as our Father
Was your father generous, gentle, and gracious?
Your Heavenly Father is. The problem is that we see the Father through our earthly father. We are all given lenses at some point in our childhood, and we still wear them even as we begin to parent our own children. The lenses gray our understanding of the Father. Who is He? What does He think of me? Does He accept me? Is He proud of me? What does He want from me?
Herein lies the beauty of the gospel: In Christ, our lenses are removed so we can clearly see the Father, and, in Christ, the Father puts on lenses and sees us through His perfect Son!
This means that in the Gospel we can see what the Father is like. God the Father not only exemplifies fatherhood, but He empowers us in the Gospel to father like Him. If we can see the Father, we can image the father to our children.
So what is the Father like?
Let’s remove the lenses and see.
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“J.I. Packer sums it up well when he says, “If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God’s child, and having God as his Father.” As a dad, it’s humbling to think that before my kids know and understand God has the Father, they will know and understand me as their father. Like Father, Like Sons is practical, winsome, straightforward, and saturated with the good news of the Gospel.” —Rodney Hobbs, Pastor